All Water Guides

Orvis Endorsed Fly Fishing Guide Service in Central Texas

2020 Orvis Guide of the Year Finalist

2016 Orvis Guide of the Year Finalist

2015 Orvis Guide Service of the Year Finalist

Guad-city 3-16,17,19

Good fishing in the last few weeks. This report encompasses the last 4 trips as they have all been similar. Due to the largemouth spawn, and lack of activity from the bucket mouth,  we've been catching mostly Guadalupe bass lately.  Most people who catch this species  will tell you that they are more aggressive than the largemouth bass and fight a bit harder pound for pound. So there has been no lack of thrills out there. I personally have a love for this fish that dates back to the first one I ever landed back in the late 70s on the Pedernales river, near the state park. If your interested in catching this gem of a bass there is no better place on earth than the lower Colorado.