Summer Time, Central Texas! IT.IS.On.
Hello old friend...been a while, good to see you again.
I’m going to make this short and sweet. After months of big water on the Lower Colorado River the powers that be have dropped the flows and the fishing is the best it has been in a long time, it feels like we’ve been reunited with an old friend. The water is clear, cool and perfectly shallow. Our boat rides are finally a little challenging as we negotiate the right line through channels and sand bars. Mid summer is normally not our most favorite season because of the heat and the tough fishing but this year is a little different. The fishing right now is spectacular. I spent the better portion of the day sight fishing to bass laid up on the bank. Fishing the Lower Colorado is always exciting when the conditions are good but it has been a long time since we’ve been turning heads of big eager Bass like were doing now. The top water action is HOT in the morning and once the sun is up the fish are still active with streamers until early afternoon again this is all visual.
Eric K, with a beast.
If you’ve been holding off on booking a trip the time is now! We’d like to think the flows are going to remain as they are for the foreseeable future but who knows. Half days are the way to go right now with an early start, which usually will get us back at the ramp and on our way around noon.
Like I said, short and sweet. The fishing is HOT book a trip!
See you on the water.